Are you happy

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By Angela Mutiso

Growing up, we always heard people say that happiness was something that came from within,
that it wasn’t something that could be given or bought. However, over time, we have come to realize that while happiness might indeed come from within, it can also be influenced by several external factors.

Happiness is a state of mind often pursued but seldom attained. It is a complex and elusive emotion. It is important to cultivate a range of positive qualities that can help us navigate the ups and downs of daily existence. One of the most important qualities for happiness is emotional resilience. This means being able to bounce back from setbacks and difficulties, and to maintain a positive outlook even in your most difficult moments. It involves developing a sense of self-awareness and emotional regulation, so that we can manage our feelings and respond to challenges in a constructive way.

The United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network publishes the World Happiness Report, which uses statistical analysis to determine the world’s happiest countries. The report considers various economic, social, and environmental factors and provides insights into what makes a country a desirable place to live. According to a CNN report on this year’s release, benevolence has increased by 25% compared to pre-pandemic levels. “Benevolence towards others, particularly helping strangers, witnessed a significant increase in 2021 and remained high in 2022,” said John Helliwell, one of the
authors of the World Happiness Report, in an interview with CNN. And global happiness has not taken a hit in the three years of the Covid-19 pandemic. Life evaluations from 2020 to 2022 have been “remarkably resilient,” the report says, with global averages basically in line with the three years preceding the pandemic as reported by Africa News… it points out the following countries as the happiest in Africa (World Happiness Report)
Top 10 Happiest Countries in Africa
 1. Mauritius
2. Libya
3. Ivory Coast
4. South Africa
5. Gambia

6. Algeria
7. Liberia
8. Congo
9. Morocco
10. Mozambique
Happiness rankings can change over time and may differ based on the methodology used to
determine them. Here are some reasons to be happy today, even when your life seems to annoy you right now. Tracking says: Be happy for being alive; be happy for being born in a country
with a good standard of living, be happy for being able to go for a walk outside, be happy for
every new day and for new opportunities. Also, be happy about vaccinations (this was during the Covid 19 pandemic), be happy for being able to do good in the world; be happy with your past failures and struggles and be happy for the small positive things in life.

Finally, be happy with your memories, and be happy for having a roof over your head. It concludes that; “it’s important to know that everybody experiences sadness sometimes. Even if we could find the happiest person alive, we’d still see realize that happiness cannot exist without sadness. But even though you can’t always change the reasons for your unhappiness, you can focus on positive things instead. By focusing on the reasons to be happy, you’re harnessing the power of gratitude which helps you become happier in the future.” (Tracking

Why does happiness matter?
Happiness is a journey that we all strive for. We seek to live a life full of joy, love, and fulfillment. To start, cultivating positive emotions is crucial for our well-being. When we focus on joy, love, and gratitude, we invite more of those feelings into our lives. It can be easy to get caught up in negative emotions, but learning to regulate our emotions and focus on the positive can greatly enhance our happiness.

What should you do to be happy?
There are many things you can do including:

Eating a healthy and balanced diet – When we fuel our bodies with nutritious food, we have more energy and feel more positive. A healthy diet can also reduce the risk of various health issues and improve our quality of life.

Taking care of our physical and mental health– Regular exercise, getting enough sleep, and finding time to relax can greatly improve our mood, energy levels, and overall sense of well- being.

Building meaningful connections with others – Spending time with loved ones, expressing gratitude, and showing kindness can all contribute to a happier life. Friendships are also crucial for our happiness, providing us with a support network and opportunities to engage in fun activities.

Finding fulfilling work that aligns with our values – this allows us to use our skills and talents which is crucial for our overall happiness. A sense of purpose and accomplishment in our work, can greatly enhance our well-being.

Building strong relationships – with our family members and pursuing education and personal growth can all contribute to a more fulfilling and happy life.

Education – can provide a sense of accomplishment and personal growth, which can boost self- esteem and lead to greater happiness. Learning new skills and knowledge can also lead to a more fulfilling career and increased financial security, which can improve overall well-being.

Laughter -Laughter has been shown to have many positive effects on mental and physical health. It can reduce stress and anxiety, release endorphins (feel-good hormones), and improve mood. Making time for activities that bring joy and laughter into our lives can have a significant impact on happiness.

Mental health -Mental health is a crucial component of overall well-being. Taking care of our mental health can involve practicing self-care, seeking therapy or counseling when needed, and developing healthy coping mechanisms. Prioritizing mental health can lead to greater happiness and life satisfaction.

Interactions – Social interactions and relationships can provide a sense of belonging and
connection, which are important for mental health and happiness. Spending time with loved ones, building new friendships, and participating in social activities can all contribute to greater happiness.

Providing support – Having a supportive environment, mentor, and parents can provide a sense
of security and comfort, which can contribute to overall happiness. When a person knows that they have someone they can turn to for guidance, advice, and emotional support, they are less likely to feel alone or overwhelmed.

You need to feel comfortable to be happy
A holistic definition of comfort incudes physical, emotional, and psychological well-being. It refers to a state of ease, relaxation, and contentment that is achieved through a combination of factors, including the absence of physical pain or discomfort, a feeling of safety and security, social support and connection, and a sense of purpose and meaning in life.

What does comfort entail?
Physically, comfort involves the absence of pain, hunger, thirst, fatigue, and other bodily discomforts. It is the presence of pleasurable sensations, such as warmth, softness, and pleasant scents. Emotionally, comfort encompasses feeling safe, secure, and supported by others. It creates a sense of belonging, love, and acceptance. It is the ability to express one’s emotions and have them acknowledged and validated by others. Psychologically, comfort involves a sense of purpose, meaning, and fulfillment in life. It gives you a feeling that you are in control of your life and you have a sense of direction and clarity. It is the ability to manage stress, cope with challenges, and change and to find joy in everyday experiences.

Overall, comfort emphasizes the importance of attending to all aspects of one’s well-being, physical, emotional, and psychological, to achieve a state of comfort, pleasure and contentment in life.
All these studies suggest that you should focus on things to be happy about. That is how you show

The writer is the editorial consultant of the Accountant Journal.
[email protected]


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