The hidden power of a nourished scalp

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By Angela Mutiso

Beyond Hair Care

Throughout history, hair has been valued as a significant part of our appearance because of its visual appeal. It is part of our self-expression and identity. Your hair style can communicate your power, individuality and social status.

What about your scalp?

Most of us never really give our scalp much thought. We regard it as just another part of our body. We need to appreciate that the scalp is not just a coating covering our heads. Taking care of it, is essential for our overall health.

Your scalp is the skin on the top of your head that covers the cranium and shields the underlying brain, which is the command centre. The brain is sheltered from outside forces, impacts, and disturbances by the scalp, which is a natural barricade. The skull offers some protection, but the scalp is an invaluable shield. According to Cleveland Clinic, the functions of the brain (which is cradled by the scalp and skull) include; being the centre of thoughts and decisions, memories and emotions, as well as movements (motor function), balance and coordination. It is also the centre of perception of various sensations including pain, automatic behavior such as breathing, heart rate, sleep and temperature control. It regulates the organ function and enables speech and language functions… 

Indeed it plays several critical roles in your body. So regular scalp hygiene, a proper diet, and protection from environmental factors are keys to good health. People often focus more on hair care, however healthy hair stems from a healthy scalp. 

The scalp helps in maintaining your body temperature. It holds blood vessels that regulate heat loss and retain warmth when it’s cold, while allowing heat dissipation when it’s hot. Disregarding the scalp can lead to several issues including dandruff, itchiness, and hair loss. It has a high concentration of nerve endings. Through it, you can sense touch, heaviness, and pain. These feelings alert us to any likely injuries or issues with the scalp, which help us to maintain moisture, and contain blood vessels that provide oxygen and nutrients to the skin and hair follicles.

Taking care of your scalp is essential for general health, and can contribute to healthy hair growth. Regular scalp hygiene, proper nutrition, and protection from environmental factors (such as excessive sun exposure) are crucial to maintaining a healthy scalp. If you have any concerns about your scalp’s health, it’s best to consult a doctor or dermatologist. Ignoring your scalp hygiene can bring about other stresses like – dandruff, psoriasis, eczema, and fungal infection. So always keep it clean, dry, and well-moisturized.

It is a good thing to massage your scalp. According to green people, it conditions the scalp, helping to prevent flakes and dry, itchy scalp. It enhances blood circulation in the head and neck area and helps strengthen the roots of the hair and nourishes the hair-shafts, promoting new hair growth and strengthening existing hair.Softly massage your scalp to stimulate blood circulation and promote total scalp health.

Managing dandruff

Dandruff is one of the ailments that can affect your scalp. It is characterized by shedding of dead skin cells. They can be white or yellow flakes. It can also appear on other parts of your body. The most common cause of dandruff is the overgrowth of a yeast-like fungus known as Malassezia. It is a fungus that naturally exists on the scalp, but when it increases too much, you can get dandruff. Dry skin can also lead to dandruff. Dandruff is neither harmful nor contagious.

To avoid dandruff, you are advised to wash your hair frequently and to use anti-dandruff shampoo. A healthy and balanced diet leads to a healthy scalp and reduces the risk of dandruff. You should be able to identify and reduce the use of hair products that irritate the skin and avoid sprays and gels that can aggravate it. Avoid the use of very hot water to wash your hair as it can dry the scalp, and do not scratch your head too much as it can increase inflammation and lead to infections.

Dandruff is not directly spread from person to person. However, the Malassezia fungus, which can cause dandruff, is naturally present on the skin of most individuals. It is normally harmless but certain circumstances can lead to an overgrowth and cause dandruff. Anyone can get dandruff, however young adults and middle age people get it more. Men also seem more prone to it than women.  Excessive oil production on the scalp and certain skin conditions like psoriasis, eczema, or other skin conditions can increase the possibility of getting dandruff. 

Conditions that can affect the scalp

They include:

Apart from Dandruff, there is- Seborrheic Dermatitis; when you have an, itchy, and flaky skin. Then there is Psoriasis: an autoimmune condition that causes the rapid buildup of skin cells, leading to thick, silvery scales and itchy, dry patches on the scalp. Scalp Folliculitis is an inflammation or infection of the hair follicles, it can produce little red bumps, itching, and sensitivity. Tinea Capitis (Ringworm): is a fungal infection that can cause hair loss, red, itchy patches, and raised, scaly edges on the scalp while Alopecia Areata – is an autoimmune condition that causes hair loss in patches on the scalp. You can use anti dandruff shampoo to manage dandruff and over-the-counter hydrocortisone creams may relieve itching and inflammation for some scalp conditions. 

Remember that in certain cases, stress management techniques and lifestyle changes may be helpful, as stress can aggravate certain scalp conditions and several other disorders. Ringworms can be a bother and may need a doctor’s attention and appropriate treatment. 

Keeping your scalp healthy

There are a number of steps you can take to keep your hair and scalp healthy. Moisturize your hair and treat it to an occasional deep conditioning with natural oils, avoid the sun, and drink lots of water to ensure you are hydrated. Remember, your hair is most vulnerable when it is wet, so use a wide-toothed comb after washing it. Shampoo regularly, condition it after washing, and eat well. Trim it every month to avoid split ends, and do not have tight hair styles. 

Beautician Aroon Reejhisinghani explains that trimming split ends prevents the split from reaching up the hair shaft and this also stops the further breakage and damage to the hair. Give your hair a daily massage with a little coconut or almond oil. Massage the oil into your scalp with your fingertips until you feel a warm tingling flow of blood in your scalp. 

Dealing with baldness – the bald patch

A feature by Tatler titled- A gentleman’s guide to going bald with style- How to handle hair loss with aplomb states –“Naturally, swathes of men are unfazed by their departing manes. If that’s you, enjoy what you’ve got and embrace your ever-more exposed scalp with pride. But for those whose dwindling head of hair is a source of acute stress and anxiety, there are a wealth of thickening treatments. The first port of call should be finding out exactly what is causing the hair loss, for an accurate diagnosis is key to deciphering the most effective treatment. There are also a host of clever styling hacks that can disguise a widening bald patch or creeping hairline wondrously.”Tatler goes on to say that it is a misconception that a long flowing mop will somehow distract from patches of scalp, but the reverse might actually do the trick says hair stylist Bobby Collier, he believes that ‘the shorter the hair, the thicker it looks.’ And to further conceal a modest sized patch, a coloured spray – matched to the shade of your hair – carefully applied directly onto the scalp can work as a clever disguise while still looking natural.”

 Gel is discouraged when you are bald. But that too is debatable. A buzz cut is suggested. Wikipedia explains that a buzz cut, is a variety of short hairstyles, especially where the length of hair is the same on all parts of the head. In several nations, buzz cuts are often given to new recruits in the armed forces. However, they are also used for stylistic reasons. Besides, it has become a popular haircut amongst women.

Can a well-maintained mop of hair significantly impact sales prospects?

A seller has very limited time to make a first impression when making their pitch. Your clients will start to form an impression of you and what you have to offer within seconds of seeing you, so how you look matters a lot. For many people, hair is a crucial aspect of their appearance. Research shows that people with neatly styled hair are often regarded as more professional and approachable. Someone who is fascinated by your appearance will listen to you more keenly. This can lead to increase in sales and even translate into a financial return. However, many other factors come into play in such cases, including individual preferences. 

Even so, let no one tell you your hair is not an important part of your grandeur. It has in many instances been described as – our crowning glory. It is a beauty enhancer and the first thing you notice about someone. Healthy and well maintained hair, boosts your confidence, makes you feel good about yourself and gives you a youthful and dignified appearance.  It can hide the weaknesses of your facial structure. Hair loss can affect you physically and emotionally but there are ways of dealing with this. Hair also protects your scalp from harmful UV radiation. Just do not forget that you have to take care of your scalp to keep your hair tidy.

Which hairstyle is best?

Obviously the one that suits your face. Which hair part is more attractive men? The general consensus seems to be that parting on one’s left makes a person look competent and masculine, whereas parting on the right makes a person look warm and feminine –

We all feel better after a good haircut and when our hair looks great, it brightens our day, energizes us, and transforms everything about us. That is why people say they are having a bad or good hair day. 

When your hair is in place you may well notice a difference in your mood and how people react to you.

Health Tips

It is always advisable to consult your doctor when you are under the weather. However there are certain healing herbs that nature gives us. One of them is Lemon Grass – its juice is a delightful drink that is easily available and can be grown almost effortlessly. You can plant lemon in a container or directly on the ground. It should be watered well in the initial stages, but later roots and grows very well without much attention. It can also be found in health stores. It is useful in the following ways…

  • Lemongrass is as an anti-cancer
  • Overcoming Diabetes
  • Treating Anemia
  • Overcoming Colds and Bloating
  • Removes Toxins from the Body
  • Lowers Bad Cholesterol
  • Strengthens the Nervous System
  • Treats Skin Diseases

Source –

The writer is the editorial consultant of the Accountant Journal

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