January 24, 2025


Applying radical candor in a dynamic workplace

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Every manager’s dilemma
By Justin Mutie

The workplace has been evolving over the years from the extreme days when employees were seen as machines (keynassian theory), through the midlevel baby boomers of see no-evil, earn your salary, to the modern day tactful balance between the demands of the millennials as more respected
stakeholders with a myriad of demands for flexibilities. The ‘bottom line’ is therefore no-longer the only consideration to management. It has been a relearning experience even for the most experienced
managers as employee’s behaviors and attitude towards the work experience changes.

According to Central Bank Research Fellowship (CBRF); the workshop global report, 2013 there are five societal drivers of change in the way people live and work.

Informed by this dynamic workplace, the modern-day manager is faced with a challenging task on how to apply the radical candor principles; being firm and truthful to your supervisees as you exercise care and
tact. Candor Inc. have published a very well elucidated write-up titled, “Radical CandorThe Surprising secret to being a good boss”. This write up has summarized four key managers personalities grouped based on
two key principles of “a caring personality” or “directly challenging personality”. A good understanding of these four personality traits is key to overcoming the modern-day managers’ challenges in the work place.
Below is a summary of these traits as grouped by Scott (Candor Inc) with brief explanations of helpful hints to managers: –


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